Dimple Creation

Dimple Creation, or Dimpleplasty, is a specialised cosmetic procedure designed to create charming dimples on the cheeks.
Cute face. Close up of a cute asian young girl with dimples


Can Dimples Be Created?

Yes, Dimpleplasty is a cosmetic procedure that allows skilled surgeons to create dimples on the cheeks. This procedure is ideal for individuals seeking to enhance their facial aesthetics by adding charming dimples that appear naturally when smiling.
  • magic-wand
    Enhanced Facial Expressiveness: Dimples add a touch of charm, accentuating your smiles and expressions.
  • magic-wand
    Personalised Aesthetics: Tailor the size and placement of your dimples to suit your unique facial features.
  • magic-wand
    Minimally Invasive Procedure: Experience a quick and relatively simple procedure with minimal downtime.
  • magic-wand
    Boosted Confidence: Revel in the newfound confidence that comes with your enhanced facial features.


What is Dimple Creation?

Dimple Creation, or Dimpleplasty, is a specialised cosmetic procedure designed to create charming dimples on the cheeks. This artistic enhancement adds a delightful touch to your smiles, contributing to a more vibrant and expressive facial appearance.
Woman checking her face for wrinkles
Woman smiling and showing off her new dimple

The Procedure & Recovery

Nurturing Your Dimpled Smile

Dimple Creation involves a minimally invasive surgical procedure where a small incision is made on the inside of the cheek. This incision creates a connection between the skin and the underlying cheek muscle. This connection, or ‘dimple,’ is carefully crafted to appear natural and harmonious with the individual’s facial features.

In the days following Dimpleplasty, patients may experience mild swelling and discomfort, gradually subside. Adhering to postoperative care instructions ensures a smooth and comfortable recovery, allowing you to confidently flaunt your charming dimples.

While individual experiences may vary, the following outlines a general guide to Dimpleplasty recovery:

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    Care for Dimple Sites: Gentle oral hygiene is crucial during the initial recovery period. Patients are advised to avoid excessive mouth movements, and when brushing their teeth, they should be cautious around the dimple sites. Patients should also avoid applying direct pressure on the newly created dimples to prevent disruption of the healing process.
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    Dietary Considerations: A soft diet is recommended initially to minimise movement and stress on the facial muscles. Patients can gradually transition to a regular diet as directed by the surgeon. Patients should avoid using straws initially to prevent unnecessary movement around the dimple sites.
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    Avoidance of Strenuous Activities: Engaging in strenuous physical activities, such as heavy lifting or intense exercise, should be avoided during the first week of recovery to prevent strain on the facial muscles.
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    Scar Management: While Dimpleplasty typically results in minimal scarring, patients can discuss scar management options with their surgeon, such as using scar creams or silicone sheets.
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    Follow-up Appointments:: Patients should attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with their surgeon. These appointments allow the surgeon to monitor the healing progress, address concerns, and provide further guidance on postoperative care.

Frequently Asked Questions

Factors Influencing Dimple Creation Surgery Cost:

  • Number of Dimples: The cost may vary based on whether a single dimple or a pair of dimples is being created.
  • Surgeon’s Expertise: The experience and skill of the surgeon performing the procedure can influence the overall cost.
  • Facility Fees: The costs associated with the surgical facility where the procedure is performed may contribute to the overall expense.

Factors Influencing Dimple Creation Surgery Cost:

  • Number of Dimples: The cost may vary based on whether a single dimple or a pair of dimples is being created.
  • Surgeon’s Expertise: The experience and skill of the surgeon performing the procedure can influence the overall cost.
  • Facility Fees: The costs associated with the surgical facility where the procedure is performed may contribute to the overall expense.

Dimpleplasty provides permanent results, as the created dimples are a lasting enhancement to your facial features. Over time, the dimples may appear more natural and settle into a seamless part of your facial expressions.

Dimpleplasty is a relatively low-pain procedure, typically performed under local anaesthesia. Patients may experience mild discomfort during the initial recovery period, which can be managed with prescribed medications.
  • Infection: While rare, there is a minimal risk of infection associated with any surgical procedure. Strict adherence to postoperative care minimises this risk.
  • Asymmetry: Achieving perfect symmetry is a challenging aspect of any cosmetic procedure. Skilled surgeons take utmost care to create dimples that appear balanced and natural.
  • Scarring: The incisions made during Dimpleplasty are small and strategically placed inside the cheek, minimising the risk of visible scarring.
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